Oil paint!

For the past decade, I've pretty much only painted with acrylic paints. I used oils in college but hated how muddy they were and never felt like I got the hang of them. Acrylic fit my style better and I learned to play with layer after layer as they dried so fast and kept strong color.

Well. This summer, I carved out some space for myself to PLAY in my studio and working with oils again was the top of my list. I found water-mixable oils so I didn't have to use all the solvents and chemicals and I loooooove them. It's been a bit of a learning curve to rewire my brain and rethink how I set up a painting. There have been some rough ones. But I turned a corner and think I've figured some stuff out, cause practice makes practice makes practice makes better.

Are you ready to see what I've been working on?

The yellow tube with the blue stripes was done in acrylic and all the rest were done in oil. Aren’t they fun? Don’t you love those thick, buttery strokes of paint? I’m so excited to keep playing!

Each of these if 4x4 inches on two inch cradled panels for $180 each and they can be purchased here: https://www.stephaniehock.com/originals. There’s only one of each, so first come first served! Hope your summer is filled with things you love too!


Lake Fun


That They May Be Light